If you want make money online from own blog. You need create a blog . In this artical we provide simple ways how to create a blog.
How to Start a Blog in 6 Steps
Learn how to create a blog in about 30 minutes following these steps:- Choosea blog name. Choose something descriptive.
- Get your blog online. Register your blog and get hosting.
- Customize your blog. Choose a free template and tweak it.
- Write & publish your first post. The fun part!
- Promote your blog. Get more people to read your blog.
- Make money blogging. Choose from several options to monetize your blog.
Before create a blog you need to select one topic in which topic you expert because you write artical about this topic, You can select topic like health,music,degital marketing etc...
Yes, you can create a blog for free on many different platforms, such as:
first is create blog on blogger.com free of cost
Step1 : signup blogger.com
Step2 : Create a new blog
Step3 : Choose a Blog Title and Blog address
Step4 : write your first post
Step5 : Earn money from blog website
Now Other way You create a blog using wordpress .Wordpress is the best plateform for blogger site But for this you need purchase your domain and hosting ,You cant buy domain and hosting different company are provide it like godaddy and bluehost,hostgator etc...
How to Create a blog website in wordpress
after purchase domain got to your domain like abc.com. install wordpressHow to install wordpress using cpanel
Other way you can download wordpress from official website wordpress.com
After download you need to install it
Now create a database Now you run the domain you see simple screen write blog name and next click now write database name hostname etc and log detail correctly.
Now Click On Finish Install
Now you wordpress install completely now you can select best theme
Goto->appearance->theme->add new->theme select -> install it
You can change theme own requirement and got to
add post ->addnew->
write your first post enjoy your blog and earn money online
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