
1. How to set count down in jQuery

2. Add active class on click using javascript

3. Add active class on scrolling using jQuery

4. Scroll to top and scroll to down of page in jquery

5. Parallax scrolling website with simple jquery

6. javascript api for youtube video player controls

7. How to get direction of scroll top or down in jquery

8. dynamically adding file upload fields to a form using javascript

9. how to add google address search map on website

10. Add get directions maps to website

11. how to set simple form captcha through js

12. Drag and drop div into another div and change order through ajax

13. detect copy, paste and cut behavior with jQuery

14. how to get date difference in javascript

15. Remember which tab was active after refresh.

16.how to get length of array in jquery

17.Remove no selected file on window pressed in js

18.simple pop up through css

19. All child checkbox checked on checked in jquery

20. jquery get month and year value on change in datepicker

21. javascript add class step by step in loop.

22. How to make an autocomplete address field with google map api

23. how to play youtube video in popup window using jquery

24. Select All checkboxes using jQuery

25. drawing signature using canvas in jquery

26. Google map show a map using address on website

27. Detect when an HTML5 video finishes

28. detect browser language and redirect using javascript

29. Google Maps Calculate Distance,Travel Duration, draw (plot) Route and display Directions between two locations

30. How to disable dates in jQuery DatePicker

31. Magento redirect to subdomain on mobile view

32. set place holder value in form using javascript

33.Whether api show result according city using js.

34.Complete form validation in js.

35.How to zoom Image on hover image using jQuery : jQuery.

36. How to delete all rows from Table except First row using JavaScript : Javascript.

37. How to make advanced Real-Time stock market Chart.

38.How to make a div slide left to right onlick using Jquery?.

39.How to convert date into specific format in javascript.

40.Select all checkbox example in Javascript

41.how to add the zenedesk chat widget in our website.

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